Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Carthage Mayor McNeill Struck by Car When Crossing Street, March 9, 1922

Mayor McNeill Hurt

Tuesday morning as Mayor McNeill was walking down the street M.A. Blue stopped his car to give him a lift. As the mayor was crossing over to Mr. Blue’s car, he was struck by another car and knocked into the ditch. He was rushed home immediately and it was feared that he might be seriously injured but after the doctor’s examination it was found that his injuries were more painful than serious. He was cut about the head and suffered several bruises on the body. It is stated the driver of the car did not see Mr. McNeill until he stepped immediately in front of his car. In trying to shelter himself from the wind and the rain, Mr. McNeill did not see the other car approaching.

From the Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., March 9, 1922

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