Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Cleveland Rt. 1, Upper Davie, Advance, and Fork News, March 8, 1922

Cleveland Route One News

The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. McDaniel was buried at Corinth Monday.

Jason Overcash’s family are all sick with flu, sorry to note.

Little Ruth Duth Davis is on the sick list, sorry to note.

Misses Kate Young and Linda Burton spent Thursday night at Mrs. C.W. Davis.

S.F. Binkley and sister of Cooleemee was in our burg Saturday p.m.

The farmers are all behind with their work on account of the bad weather.

Robert Williams and wife are sick, sorry to note.


Upper Davie News

T.P. Whitaker and Henry Trivette spent Monday in Winston.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Reavis announce the birth of a big boy at their home on Feb. 25th.

The health of our community is some better at this writing, we are glad to note.

Rev. Mr. Brown preached a forceful sermon at Bear Creek Sunday evening.

Will Bell of Winston-Salem has purchased the Bell farm just the other side of Steelman creek, and expects to remove his family soon. We are glad to welcome these good people to our community again.

Miss Effie Booe, who has been in the State Sanatorium for the past six months, has returned home very much improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pennington are all smiles—it’s a baby girl.

Courtney high school gave a pie supper Saturday night and every one reported having a nice time.

J.C. Booe killed a “groundhog” one day the past week.

The croaking of the frogs and singing of the birds remind us that spring of the year is here.

Avery Anderson filled his regular appointment Sunday.


Advance Items

One of the most enjoyable events that ever occurred in Advance was when “Mary’s Millions,” a high school play of three acts, was given Saturday night at 8 o’clock by our school. Every one carried out their part successfully and was rewarded by making $26, which was very good.

Vogler White has accepted a position at Hanes.

Mrs. C.P. Hege was very badly bruised when she fell while going up a flight of stairs at Winston-Salem while visiting her daughter last week.

W.T. Mock spent Wednesday in Winston-Salem.

Etta Shermer spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Shermer.

W.A. Hendrix of Salisbury spent a few days in advance last week.


Fork News Notes

Mrs. Mamie Carter spent last Wednesday in Winston-Salem.

P.R. Williams of Winston-Salem spent the week-end here with parents Mr. and Mrs. Chal. Williams.

Mrs. Eunice Sain left Saturday afternoon to spend several weeks with her niece, Mrs. Jesse Dwire near Mocksville.

Mrs. C.L. Aaron and daughter, Miss Ila, and Mrs. Milton Livengood and children, spent Friday with Mrs. Edward Cope.

Mrs. Ann Cope spent several days last week in Cooleemee with relatives.

Mrs. M.M. Anderson and son Lester, and Mrs. Beatrice Brewbaker spent a short while in the village of Mocksville on Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Mamie Carter and two small daughters, Marylee and Mildred, spent last Friday and Saturday at Elm Heights, their farm near Smith Grove.

Glenn and Cletus Fotter, who are students at Churchland, spent the week-end here with home folks.

The many friends of Chas. Owens, who is in school at Trinity, will be glad to learn that he is much better now, having been quite sick with flu.

B. Milton Foster has been suffering greatly from rheumatism.

We hear that two of our young people who held positions in Winston-Salem were married there on Saturday, Feb. 25, viz. Miss Annie Steward and Sanford Sidden. We wish for them a long and happy life.

From The Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., March 8, 1922

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