Sunday, March 13, 2022

Federation Women's Clubs to Meet in Burgaw March 23, 1922

Federation Women’s Clubs to Meet in Burgaw. . . Expected to be Largest Women’s Convention Ever Held in This State

Completion of the program of the meeting to be held in Burgaw by the Ninth District of Federated Women’s clubs has been made by he officers of this organization. This district comprises the counties of Brunswick, New Hanover, Sampson, Pender, and Duplin, and the session, which will be held on March 23, will be the seventh annual meeting of this body.

The Progress Club, Mrs. J.B. Bannerman, president, will be the hostess club for the convention this year. Mrs. R.T. Murry, chairman of luncheons, Mrs. W.I. Taylor, reception committee, and Mrs. C.E. McCullan, chairman of the decorations committee, have devoted a great deal of time to the preparations for the entertainment features of the session, and matters are swiftly assuming an organized air. The meeting this year will likely be the largest assembly of women ever held in this state. The program is by far the most varied and encompassing ever attempted by this federation, and includes Mrs. Sidney P. Cooper, state president of the federation, of Henderson, Miss Elizabeth Kelly of Raleigh, Mrs. Estelle Smith and Mrs. Hollowell of Goldsboro, Mrs. Marshall Williams of Faison, and State Director Mrs. Margaret Lovell Gibson, in addition to a dozen or more local women and W.A. McGirt.

The morning session will convene at 10 o’clock and adjourn in time for delegates to take the evening train from Burgaw. The meeting will be held in the county court house and will be spread for members and invited guests from other clubs outside the federation. Community song service will constitute the musical part of the program, aided by the music department of the Sorosis club of this city. Mrs. Sivley will give two numbers by popular request. Further announcement of details of the program will be made later.

Samarcand Manor, the endowment fund, and the box lunch plan are the main topics that are contained in the tentative program for the meeting. The proposed affiliation of the rural and community clubs with the district and state federations will also be discussed.

The convention is open to everyone in Burgaw, men and women, and a large crowd is expected to attend.

From the Wilmington Morning Star, Monday, March 13, 1922

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