Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Mrs. Minerva Has Very Old, Treasured Bible, March 2, 1922

Very Old Bible

Mr. W.A. Geer brought in a very interesting old Bible for our inspection last week. The book is the property of Mrs. Minerva Higgins of this city, who is the grandmother of Mr. Otis Tate.

On the fly-leaf of the Bible is printed the following: “New Testament, Translated into Latin Language by Sebastiani Castellionis. Published in London by Jacobus Bettenham, A.D. 1726.”

The book was given to Mrs. Higgins by her grandmother, Mrs. Polly Porter, who brought the book from England. It is highly treasured by Mrs. Higgins, and is probably one of the oldest Bibles in the State.

From The Forest City Courier, March 2, 1922

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