Saturday, March 12, 2022

Southern Railway Employes Form Band Under Albert Bartlett, March 12, 1922

Southern Employes Have Started a Band

A 10-piece band among employes of the transportation department of the Southern Railway has been organized and is now in training under Albert F. Bartlett, formerly director of the Boy Scout band.

Instruments have already been ordered and two lessons in music and note-reading have been given by Mr. Bartlett. The band proposes to hold two rehearsals each week.

R.E. Simpson, general manager of “Lines East” of the Southern system, is president of the band, W.R. Coombs, manager, and M.J Lester, secretary-treasurer.

Mr. Bartlett has had many years’ experience as band director and during his time has trained half a hundred musical organizations.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, March 12, 1922

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