Friday, May 13, 2022

60 Car Loads Peas Leave Elizabeth City in Past 2 Weeks, May 12, 1922

60 Car Loads of Peas Leave Here in 2 Weeks. . . Prices Good and Shipments Are Expected to Hold Up Into June

Elizabeth City is in the midst of marketing its greatest May pea crop. Approximately 30,000 baskets, or more than 60 carloads have gone out of this city since shipping began two weeks ago. Despite frosts, which did considerable damage some time ago, the vines hold up well, and shipments are expected to hold up throughout this month and part of June.

New York quotations suddenly jumped from $2.50 to as high as $4.25 a basket yesterday morning. Some quotations are as low as $3. The estimated return to pea growers of this section for the half of the crop that has been marketed is about $100,000, less freights and commissions. R.C. Abbott, the oldest shipper in the city, reports that he has shipped 36 cars, or about 18,000 baskets.

Potatoes are expected to be late this season, due to frosts and poor stands. Last year, shipments began on the 18th of May, the earliest ones being made by Spence-Hollowell Company of this city. Few are expected this year before June 1st. Tyrrell county is expected to lead with the earliest shipments.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., May 12, 1922

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