Saturday, May 14, 2022

Charlotte News Briefs, May 14,1922

City News Told in Tabloid Form

--Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Williamson announce the birth of a son, R.B. Jr., at Mercy hospital on May 12.

--Mrs. A.W. Williams, who underwent a serious operation at St. Peter’s hospital Thursday, was reported doing nicely today.

--The Charlotte Insurance Exchange will hold its regular monthly luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce Monday at 1 pm. Earnest Ellison will be in charge of the program. --Funeral services for Mrs. William E. McKamey, who died at her home, 1103 Elizabeth avenue, Friday afternoon, will be conducted Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the residence.

--E.J. Finger, manager of the shoe department of the Little-Long Company’s shoe department, will leave Sunday night for New York on a business trip.

--The funeral of Mrs. W.M. Lineberger, who died suddenly Friday morning at her home, 311 East Boulevard, will be held Sunday at 4 p.m. at the home of Rev. W.B. West, pastor of Dilworth Methodist church.

--Willie Paul Vauss, little son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Vauss, who sustained a compound fracture of a leg several days ago by being run over by an automobile, is improving steadily at the Charlotte Sanatorium.

--Relatives here were advised Saturday of the death in Anderson, S.C., of Margaret Wayne, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sydney Alverson, following a brief illness with pneumonia. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Alverson was Miss Mabel Trotter of Charlotte.

--Dr. J.S. Hoffman, dentist in the Commercial Bank building, was taxed with the costs in police court Saturday morning for speeding. Yates Edgerton was also taxed with the cost for operating his car with the muffler cutout open. Alonzo Pool, negro, was fined $10 and cost for speeding.

--Lakewood Park, formally opened at 1 o’clock Saturday when Manager W.S. Orr unlocked the gates of the newly remodeled swimming pool for public use. More than a thousand dollars has been spent in the past few weeks altering, repairing and beautifying the pool. The pool will be open from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. each day from now on.

--J.J. King of Nashville is in Charlotte in the interest of the International Missionary Conference to be held at Blue Ridge, June 22-July 3.Monday night at the Y.M.C.A., Mr. King will speak and show motion pictures of the grounds at Blue Ridge and that section of the “Land of the Sky” surrounding the conference ground. The missionary conference will be concerned with missionary, Sunday school, and young people’s work, and an inspirational program has been arranged.

From The Charlotte News, May 14, 1922

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