Friday, May 6, 2022

Fort Bragg in Fayetteville Officially a Permanent Military Post, May 6, 1922

Permanence of Camp Bragg Is Assured

Fayetteville—Not in many a day have the people of Fayetteville received a more welcome bit of news than the announcement made here that Camp Bragg has been officially established as a permanent military post by an order formally issued by the war department. While the permanency of the big artillery training center has been practically assured since the visit of Secretary of War Weeks last September, the formal order to that effect had not been issued and so persistent have been the disquieting rumors and the attacks on the camp, despite its acknowledged importance to the army, that the announcement of the war department’s definite action comes with almost the force of Secretary Weeks’ original decision.

From The Progress, Enfield, N.C., May 6, 1922

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