Monday, May 9, 2022

Maynard and McGhee, Arrested for Robbing Kittrell Store, Planned to Rob Oxford Bank, May 9, 1922

Threatened to Rob One of the Oxford Banks. . . Two Men Implicated in Robbery of Stores at Kittrell

The Henderson correspondent of the News and Observer says: “Two arrests have been made in connection with a store robbery at Kittrell on information furnished by Guy Barnes, who is in jail in Durham county, after having been brought back there from Miami, Florida, where he was arrested. Robert W. Maynard and Walter McGhee were the men arrested here last night and placed in jail, the alleged crime having been committed, it is charged in the warrant, on or about March 19. The store entered was that of Smith Brothers, and the articles taken, as charged, included cigarettes, shoes, watches, and some money.

“According to Barnes, the officers said, the trio had planned to rob a bank in Oxford, but changed their minds upon the insistence of Barnes himself. They came to Henderson and pawned an automobile for an acetylene cutting outfit by means of which they had expected to get into the vaults of the bank.”

From the front page of The Oxford Public Ledger, May 9, 1922

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