Friday, May 6, 2022

Mrs. Draughn, Miss Anderson Killed in Collision with Train, May 6, 1922

Two High Point Women Killed

High Point—Mrs. J.W. Draughn and Miss Janie Anderson were instantly killed and J.J. Dell, 31, was seriously, probably fatally, injured when their auto was struck by Southern passenger train No. 46. The accident occurred at a crossing on West Broad street near the Barns Manufacturing company plant and about three blocks from the passenger station.

The three were employed at the plant and had just quit their work for the day. Dell, the bookkeeper, had offered to take the two young women home in his car. The engineer applied the emergency brakes, but several of the cars passed over the bodies of the two women before the train could be stopped. Pieces of flesh, clothing and parts of the auto were strewn along the tracks for some distance.

Dell was thrown against the engine and in some way he clung there until the train was brought to a stop. His nerves were shot to pieces and, although he was conscious, he could not tell how he managed to remain on the engine. He was rushed to the Guilford General hospital, where it was reported that he was resting well and was not considered in any immediate danger of death.

From The Progress, Enfield, N.C., May 6, 1922

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