Thursday, July 7, 2022

Maroon and Gold, Elon College, N.C., July 7, 1922

Photos of President William Allen Harper; F.B. Corboy, Director of Athletics; T.C. Amick, Professor of Mathematics; L.W. Vaughan Jr., Bursar; J.U. Newman, Professor of Greek and Biblical Literature; N.F. Brannock, Professor of Chemistry; W.C. Wicker, Professor of Education; W.P. Lawrence, Professor of English Literature and Dean; A.L. Hook, Professor of Physics, newly elected Dean; E.M. Betts, director of Piano and Organ. From the front page of the Maroon and Gold, New Students’ Mid-Summer Edition, Elon College, N.C., Friday, July 7, 1922

Page 2—Maroon and Gold Staff, S.M. Lynam, E.C. White, John Brooks, Worth Wisher, L.J. Bray, R.S. Rainey, David Miller, W.G. Stoner, W.T. Scott, Margaret Moring, T.H. Andrews; Baseball Squad; Clio Literary Society; Commercial Class; Wearners—Not Winners (of “E” sweaters); L.O. Hauser, Salutatorian, Class of ‘22

Page 3—Philogian Literary Society; Miss Mary Miller, Valdictorian, Class of ’22; Phipsicli Staff. R.S. Rainey, Kate Wheeler, Banks Garman, I.O. Hauser, H.G. Self, Margaret C. Corbill, Maude Kendrick; W.E. Moon, David Miller; Psiphelian Literary Society; Football Squad

Page 4—Basketball Squad; J.B. Newman, Captain of Baseball, 1922; “E” Men; E.S. Johnson, Captain of Football, 1922; Household Arts Class; Elon-Guilford Debaters W.T. Scott, R.S. Helms, R.O. Smith, H.L. Scott; Cross Country Team: Brannock, Hainer, Marlett (All-State) and Scholz.

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