Sunday, February 5, 2023

Burdell, 35, Shoots Wife, Then Kills Himself, Feb. 5, 1923

Charlotte Man Shoots Wife; Commits Suicide

Charlotte, N.C., Feb. 5—W.R. Burdell, aged 35, cotton mill worker, shot and seriously wounded his wife and then killed himself at their home here early today, according to the police. “Everything I’ve got is yours; see that I am buried right at the head of father,” were the last words the man spoke, according to his younger brother, Silas Burdell, who was ordered held at the police station as a witness before the inquest which is to be held late today.

In addition to this statement, Silas Burdell, the police said, had accused his wife of familiarity with another man and despite her denials had shot her. The police said they find reason to believe Burdell was under the influence of liquor when the shooting occurred.

From the front page of The Concord Times, Monday, Feb. 5, 1923

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