Friday, February 10, 2023

Frank Little Dies of Hemorrhage, Feb. 10, 1923

Plumber Dies from Hemorrhage

Winston-Salem, N.C., Feb. 9—Frank Little, a plumber, employed by the city, was found in a dying condition in his room here tonight with a pistol in his hands. He died just as the ambulance reached the hospital. Persons in the hotel where he was staying heard him cry out twice, and immediately afterwards came two shots. When the police entered, they found him sitting on the side of his bed with blood flowing from his mouth, and the pistol pointing downward. At first it was thought that he had killed himself, but later investigation by the coroner proved that he died of hemorrhage from the lungs. It is thought that his cries and the pistol shots were to summon help.

From page 8 of the Durham Morning Herald, Saturday, Feb. 10, 1923

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