Saturday, February 4, 2023

Johnson, Garey, Thompson, Nelson, Robinson Arrested in Durham, Feb. 4, 1923

Declare Negro Raised Bill. . . Jimmie Johnson of Durham Said to Have Attempted to Pass Off Bogus Bill

Jimmie Johnson, negro, is confined in the city jail with a charge of forgery recorded against him, following his arrest yesterday after an alleged attempt to pass a raised one-dollar bill as a five to a west Main street apple dealer. He will be given a hearing before Recorder Graham Monday morning.

Local police were kept active Saturday with various arrests of a more or less minor nature. At midnight the usual list of drunkenness and gambling charges indicated that a full docket would be had by Monday morning.

In a raid on a gambling game in Hayti yesterday the following negroes were apprehended: Celop Garey, Jim Thompson, Atlas Nelson, and Thomas Robinson.

From page 12 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, February 4, 1923

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