Sunday, February 12, 2023

LaGrange Doings, Feb. 12, 1923

Doings of a Day Over in Moseley Hall; Sun Creeps Out After Days

LaGrange, Feb. 12—the appearance of the sun yesterday afternoon made motorists here happy, and the highway became active after several days of dull traffic.

Miss Ella Parks visited Goldsboro Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Olivette Wilkerson came home from Raleigh Saturday to spend Sunday.

Rev. A.J. Crane preached yesterday at the Presbyterian Church, returning to his home in Tarboro this morning.

Mrs. Will Brothers, who has been very sick, is reported considerably better today.

Friends of A.P. Leach were glad to see him on the streets yesterday, after several weeks’ confinement from flu.

Dr. Perry Case of Wilson was here Sunday, filling his regular appointments at the Christian Church.

The pupils of the graded school are drilling for an entertainment to be given in the auditorium the night of February 23, the exercises being appropriate to Washington’s birthday.

From page 5 of The Daily Free Press, Kinston, Feb. 12, 1923

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