Friday, February 3, 2023

Taylor Suggests New School Location, Feb. 3, 1923

Another Northwestern Site Is Proposed for New School Building

Paul Taylor, a well-known resident, has written The Free Press suggesting another site of the school building to be contracted for shortly. Mr. Taylor proposes that the trustees and public consider the Stricklin lot in the northwestern part of the city. His letter follows:

Editor The Free Press:

While the different available sites most suitable for the locating of our new school building are being considered, let us turn our attention to Northwest Kinston.

There are several sites in which this part of our town which have plenty of room, good shape and several other good features that seem to me to make them attractive and desirable.

Let us stop, look and think for a minute. The town has grown, and is now growing rapidly in that direction.

While the site I have in mind now is not right in the center of the city, it is as nearly in the center as many of the sites already proposed to the school board, and nearer the center of our city than some already considered.

There is one site in particular to which I call the attention of our school board, and which I ask all our citizens to consider. This site will in a very few years be right in the center of our town, even if the growth of the town continues at the present rate.

I am informed that the Striklin lot, corner of Lenoir and Mitchell streets and Vernon Avenue, 210 by 325 feet, can be secured at a reasonable price, and if so, I do not think there is a location that would better serve the needs of the city.

--Paul Taylor

From the front page of The Daily Free Press, Kinston, N.C., Saturday, February 3, 1923

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