Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Two Car Accidents Monday, Feb. 7, 1923

Two Automobiles Badly Damaged in Collision Monday; No One Hurt

Narrow escapes were had by the drivers of two automobiles Monday morning when a collision occurred at the corner of Heritage Street and Vernon Avenue, with serious damage to both cars. None of the occupants were injured beyond a shaking-up, but extensive damage resulted to the cars. W.E. Hargett and a man named Winslow from Goldsboro, respective drivers, so far as could be learned, made no effort to attach blame for the accident. Wrecking crews from garages were required to get the cars in shape to tow them to the shops.

A minor collision occurred at Queen and Vernon a short time afterwards, when a car driven by Miss Pittman and another by C.A. Jeffress came together. A bent fender on Jeffress’ car was the extent of the damage reported.

From the front page of The Kinston Free Press, February 7, 1923

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