Friday, March 17, 2023

Report from Mayor's Court in the Rockingham Post, March 8, 1923

Mayor’s Court

The following matters were handled in the Mayor’s Court this past week:

L.B. Grant, white, and Lacy Dumas, colored, bound to April 9th Court under $300 and $200 bonds for an affray on the streets last Saturday.

Gus Dutton paid the costs of $5.50 Tuesday for being intoxicated Saturday.

T.D. Seawell Friday fined $25 and costs for disturbance on the street Feb. 17th. Gave notice of appeal.

James Dieykan fined $10 and costs Monday for exceeding speed limit through Main Street.

From page 2 of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, March 8, 1923

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