Saturday, August 5, 2023

Carolina Retailer Begins with J. Paul Leonard as Editor, Aug. 5, 1923

New Publication Starts in Fall

Statesville, August 4—The initial number of the Carolina Retailer, the new monthly publication sponsored by the North Carolina Merchants’ association, will make its appearance early in September, according to announcement made today from the association’s state office here. The new periodical will be published at Winston-Salem by the Carolina Retailer Publishing company, which is to be incorporated later in the year. J. Paul Leonard of Statesville, executive secretary of the North Carolina Merchants association, who was formerly in the newspaper business and has done much writing for newspapers and trade publications, will edit The Retailer, and Mr. Frank E. Griffith of Winston-Salem, who has had 10 or 12 years’ experience as a retail secretary, will be associate editor. Mr. J.H. Gilley, a well-known Winston-Salem business man, who was formerly in charge of the income tax department of the government’s revenue office at Winston-Salem, will be business manager, while Mr. W.T. Bradford, who has been in the printing and publishing business in Winston-Salem for some years, will serve as assistant business manager. Mr. Leonard will do the editorial work in connection with his present duties and will retain his office and residence in Statesville. However, on account of the business office of the Retailer being located in Winston-Salem, which is also the home of President W.N. Dixson of the State Merchants association, and President J.F. Morris of the Merchants Mutual Fire Insurance company, Mr. Leonard will spend a considerable amount of his time in the “Twin-City.”

“Definite agreements have been reached with reference to the character and policy of the new magazine,” says Mr. Leonard, “and we believe we will be able to produce something which will prove of inestimable value to the merchants of the Carolinas.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Aug. 5, 1923

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