Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Committees for Greater Community Fair of Polk County, Aug. 2, 1923

Saluda Committees Appointed for Fair

At a meeting called by Miss Sarah M. Padgett last Friday at Library Hall, Saluda, the following committees for the Polk County Fair were formed with their respective chairmen:

Committee on serving, Q.C. Sonner; Pantry Supplies Committee, Mrs. John Bushnell; Art Committee, Mrs. A. DeVere Turner; Home Weaving, Miss Wilbar Stone; Tea Room Exhibition, Miss E.R. Martin.

Miss A. Nash is chairman of the Art Exhibit Committee for Polk County.

The following men were appointed a Booster Committee: P.H. Bailey, J. Davis, Eugene Sanders. These men are requested to accompany the other committees visiting through the county.

Miss Padgett and J.R. Sams expect to call a meeting this week at Friendship to assemble some of the joint committees and demonstrate new methods and exhibits and also to explain a booster programme for the Fair.

According to present indications of the Greater Community Fair of Polk County to be held this year on Thursday, October 11, will be the largest ever held in the county. The Fair will be held in the county Court House from 10 o’clock in the morning until 6 o’clock in the evening. Exhibits placed in the building the day before will be carefully guarded overnight.

Thanks to the merchants, bankers and other business men of Polk County the Fair Premium List committee were enabled to have an attractive premium list printed. The List will contain 44 pages and will be found in an attractive blue cover. The surplus over and above the cost of printing and mailing the 2,000 books will be devoted to prizes.

It was at first planned to have community fairs in each community throughout the county, prize winning exhibits at each of these fairs to be sent to a Polk County Fair and the winners here to exhibit their produce or handiwork at the North Carolina State Fair to be held at Raleigh. After some deliberation on the part of the Fair committee, it was decided to hold a Community Fair for the entire county to be known as the Greater Community Fair of Polk County. Green’s Creek Township is the only community that will hold an individual fair this year.

The Premium List will be forwarded to the List Committee the first of next week by the News Printing Office.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Thursday, Aug. 2, 1923

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