Sunday, August 13, 2023

James F. White, 86, Has Died, Aug. 13, 1923

Death of J.F. White

The death took place at 6:30 o’clock yesterday a.m. of James F. White at his home not far from Pumpkin Creek after an illness of several weeks. Mr. White, who was a Confederate veteran, was 86 years of age and two weeks ago became critically ill. He rallied, however, and lingered until yesterday a.m. his vitality sinking during that time. He was afflicted with a heart disorder.

Mr. White has lived for the past four years near the city, moving there from near Blanch, N.C., where he had for many years owned and operated successfully a farm. He was a native of Caswell County, N.C. When the call to the colors came at the opening of the Civil war, Mr. White was among the first to respond and he fought through the war in Rhinehart’s company, one of his comrades in arms being Capt. B.Y. Fretwell, of this city. Deceased was married a few years ago to Mrs. James M. Slade, who survives with two sons, J.F. White Jr. of Quick, N.C., and Miss Anna White, of near the city.

Mr. White was a member of the Purely, N.C., Methodist church in which he had been an active worker until failing health compelled him to relinquish it. The funeral will be held from the church at 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon, interment to be made nearby.

Mr. White is also survived by three step-children, Mrs. S.K. Cobb of Danville; T.D. Slade and Miss Lou Slade of the county.

--Danville Register

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Monday, Aug. 13, 1923

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