Sunday, August 13, 2023

Personal Briefs from the Reidsville Review, Aug. 13, 1923

Personal Briefs

Mrs. Lucy Ray of Winston is visiting her son, W.B. Wray.

Mrs. C.A. Penn has returned from a week’s visit in New York.

E.C. Penn is buying tobacco on the Fair Bluff market this season.

Miss Dora Coates of Smithfield is visiting friends in Reidsville.

Mrs. John Oliver has returned from a visit to relatives in Fayetteville.

Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Thompson spent the past few days at Southern Pines.

Miss Annie Yancey Gwynn of Yanceyville is a guest of relatives here.

Mrs. J.H. Lane of Leaksville is visiting Judge and Mrs. H.P. Lane.

Miss Marie Penn of Danville is a guest of Miss Evelyn Scales Kemp.

R.J. Oliver has returned from a short stay in Philadelphia and New York.

Robert Rankin and F.B. Kemp Jr. are spending some time in West Virginia.

Mrs. J.F. Claybrook left Saturday for a few days visit to relatives at Stoneville.

Miss Margaret Lee Millner is visiting in Waresboro at the home of Mrs. J.S. Webb.

Mrs. Edd Smith has returned from Winston-Salem where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E.R. Brenager.

Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Kemp are spending a few days at Blowing Rock and other points of interest in Western North Carolina.

Miss Myrtle Mason left Greensboro Thursday morning with Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Lewis on a 10 days trip to Montreat and Asheville.

Miss Evangeline Maynard has returned to her home in Greensboro after a three week’s visit to her aunt, Mrs. Pugh, in the Bethlehem section.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Nathan Moore and son, Robert, of Danville, and Mrs. W.I. Maynard of Greensboro are spending a few days with Mrs. E.W. Pugh, near town.

Mrs. Harris Nelson has returned from Washington where she spent several days with her mother, Mrs. A.G. Walters, who is being treated by an eye specialist.

R.S. Galloway and family and G.L. Irvin Jr. of Winston-Salem, Rawley Galloway of Raleigh, and A.G. Irvin of South Carolina were guests of relatives here Sunday.

Misses Reba and Heston Mitchell left Saturday for a 10-day visit to Richmond and Victoria. While away they will visit Natural Bridge and Luray Cave and other points of interest in Virginia.

Mrs. Nanie Martin has returned from an extended trip to Cedar Creek, Fayetteville, Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach and White Lake. Her son, J.H. Martin, joined her at Cedar Creek and White Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Stokes of Ruffin and Attorney Tom Stokes of Lexington left Friday morning for Blowing Rock, where they will spend some time. On their return home they will stop over in Kings Mountain to visit their son and brother, Dr. P.B. Stokes.

Mrs. M.S. May and daughter, Mrs. A.T. Murray and daughter, Miss Inez Murray of Greensboro, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. J.D. May. This was Miss May’s first visit to Reidsville since the winter of 1882, and she was quite surprised at the many changes and improvements made by Reidsville.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Monday, Aug. 13, 1923

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