Thursday, August 17, 2023

Primary Schools Will Be Pneumonia Traps in Wet Weather, Aug. 17, 1923

Pneumonia Traps for City’s School Children. . . In Wet Weather They Must Wade to School and Sit Thru Sessions Wet-Footed

The primary schools of Elizabeth City for both white and black children are expected to be pneumonia traps this winter, unless the city works faster than it ever has worked and paves some sidewalks and make a few street crossings.

On Harney Street, the primary school has long been inaccessible in wet weather, there being no paving, and children have been obliged to sit throughout the sessions with wet feet. The conditions have repeatedly been brought to the attention of the City Council but nothing in the way of a remedy has been accomplished.

Dr. S.W. Gregory of the Graded School Trustees at the last meeting of the City Council called the attention of the Aldermen to the necessity of constructing a sidewalk for a distance of three or four blocks to the new colored school building on Body Road, which is costing the city $100,000.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Aug. 17, 1923

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