Sunday, December 10, 2023

Austin Carter Captured After Killing His Wife, Injuring his Brother- and Sister-in-Law, Dec. 10, 1923

Austin Carter Captured Today. . . Denies That He Intended to Kill His Wife But Says He Was After John Price. . . Mrs. Austin Carter Was Almost Instantly Killed—John Price Was Probably Fatally Injured and His Wife Was Shot in Leg

Last night at 8 o’clock Austin Carter, Danville, Va., insurance man, went to the home of L.L. Moore, his father-in-law, on East Market street, walked into the sitting room where a half dozen members of the Moore family were engaged in conversation, whipped out his revolver, shot and killed his wife, probably fatally wounded John Price, his brother-in-law, and shot Mrs. John Price in the leg. Carter then jumped into his Chevrolet roadster and drove off towards Virginia. This morning at 7 o’clock he was arrested by Reidsville and Schoolfield officers at Stokesland, 19 miles north of Reidsville. Carter refused to return to Reidsville until extradition papers can be issued. He is being held in the Danville jail while the officials are securing the necessary papers.

Carter’s arrest this morning was affected by two Schoolfield officers and the following named officers from Reidsville: E.H. Carroll, H.L. Norman, Jack Chaney, Robert Isley and Deputy A.E. Pettigrew.

Carter when arrested this morning admitted that he attempted to kill Price but stated emphatically that he had no intention of killing his wife.

The bullet which struck Mrs. Carter went entirely through the body, passing through the heart. She died almost instantly. Price was shot in the left side just under the heart, the bullet going through is body and right arm.

Mrs. John Price was shot in the right leg. She is not seriously injured but she is suffering considerably from shock and nervousness. Three shots were fired at other members of the Moore family but went wild. Carter then levelled the pistol at Mrs. L.L. Moore, his mother-in-law, and snapped it. The chambers had been emptied.

At the hour of going to press Price is still living but the doctors think he will die.

The shooting last night followed trouble earlier in the afternoon when Carter went to the home of L.L. Moore, his wife’s father, and held members of the family in terror at the point of a pistol, abusing and cursing them. Police were called and Carter was placed under arrest, bond being arranged by W.A. Stacey, local merchant.

The bond was $150. A .38 colt revolver was taken from Carter when he was first arrested.

Carter, while abusing members of the Moore family, is said to have declared that Price, who married a sister of Carter’s wife, had broken up Carter’s home. Members of the Moore family declared that there were no grounds for Carter’s suspicion and jealousy of Price. Many declare that the man was crazed with drink.

John Price, who seems to be the party Carter was after, is a local contractor. He came to Reidsville from New Bethel township, and so far as can be learned he has a good record and has made a splendid citizen. He married Miss Sudie Moore a sister of Carter’s wife, Mrs. Gertie Moore Carter.

Mrs. Carter had left her husband on two occasions on account of mistreatment, said members of the Moore family state. She left him at Danville only a few days ago coming to the home of her parents here. Mrs. Carter is survived by five small children, one a baby.

Carter was born and raised in Caswell county, near Pelham. He has been in the insurance business for some time past in Danville, going there from Roanoke.

Reidsville officers are being praised and congratulated for their quick work in the capture of Carter but there is severe criticism from many for the small peace bond which Carter was allowed to make just after he had visited the Moore home and threatened to murder some of the members of the family. The officer doubtless felt that in case Carter was able to arrange a bond he would see the error of his way and return to his home in Danville.

Not since Walter Shelton killed his wife here several years ago has excitement run so high in Reidsville as the tragedy enacted here last night caused.

Much sympathy is expressed for the Moore family. Mr. Moore is a well known miller, coming to Reidsville from Ruffin several years ago. They unhesitatingly declare that since their daughter had married Carter her life had been a perfect hell on earth and that Carter made it utterly impossible for her to live with him.

The funeral services for Mrs. Carter will be conducted from the residence Tuesday morning at 10:30 o’clock by Rev. M.F. Moores, pastor of the Main Street M.E. church, and Rev. H.B. Worley, pastor of the North Scales Street Christian church. Interment will follow at Greenview cemetery.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Dec. 10, 1923

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