Friday, December 1, 2023

Jodi Morgan Sentence to 7-10 Years for Shooting Oral Honeycutt, Dec. 1, 1923

Morgan Sentenced to Serve Seven Years

Albemarle Press

Jodi Morgan was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to serve not less than seven and not more than 10 years in the penitentiary for the killing of Oral Honeycutt near Oakboro last August, from which verdict he appealed to the Supreme Court. This case was the last of importance to be heard in Superior Court here, court adjourning Friday.

Judge Sinclair heard the verdict Thursday night when the jury reported about 11 o’clock. He pronounced sentence the next morning. The case was heard by hundreds of interested citizens, among whom there was much speculation as to the outcome.

The fact as reported in last week’s Press were substantially all the material facts bought out in the trial It will be remembered that after a disagreement causing hard feeling between the men that they met August 12 on the road between Oakboro and Stanfield, where an altercation took place which resulted in Morgan’s shooting Honeycutt. The defendant claimed that he shot the deceased in protection of his own life.

Morgan’s wife and little son remained with the railing with the prisoner throughout the trial. He was liberated under $5,000 bond pending the outcome of his appeal, which is returnable in February.

From page 2 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, December 1, 1923

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