Friday, December 1, 2023

Troops Guarding Lee Washington, Charged with Attacking White Woman, Dec. 1, 1923

Troops Guarding Negro Charged with Assault. . . Trial of Lee Washington Nearing End—Wilson Troops on Duty During Day

By the Associated Press

Rocky Mount, Dec. 1—With a detachment of troops from the Wilson machine gun company on guard, the trial of Lee Washington, negro, charged with having attacked a white woman at her home near Moneyer several weeks ago, entered the final stage tonight at Nashville. The hearings started yesterday but last night officials removed the negro to an unannounced destination fearing trouble, and on his return to Nashville this morning he was guarded by troops.

Telephone advices from Nashville this morning said a large crowd was in town but there had been no evidence of any feeling against the negro. The woman alleged to have been attacked and a number of other prosecution witnesses testified yesterday. The negro also testified.

Prior to the opening of the trial, Washington was confined in the state penitentiary at Raleigh to avoid any chance of mob violence.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, December 1, 1923

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