Sunday, December 3, 2023

News from Balsam in Carolina Mountaineer Dec. 3, 1923

Balsam News

We had a good, quiet, rainy Thanksgiving Day and we haven’t heard a “turkey gobble” since.

We are thankful that our editor and his friend escaped death when their car turned over, but we don’t see how they did.

The teachers of the graded school spent Thanksgiving in their respective home towns.

Mr. James C. Rickards and family of Canton spent Thanksgiving in Balsam.

Miss Pearl Rabb and Mrs. Garrett Hunter were married Friday, November 30th.

Mr. L.W. Crawford of Willets was in Balsam last week.

Misses DeBrayda Fisher and Edna McKay and Mr. Earl McElrath of Hazelwood spent the week-end with Miss Selma McKay.

Mr. Dock Sluder and family of Willets have oved to Balsam.

Mr. J.R. McKay dined with his daughter, Mrs. Lee Fisher in Hazelwood, Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. McKay was sick and not able to go, so they brought her a very large hamper full of all kinds of good eatables.

The young people enjoyed a candy breaking at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Bryson Saturday night.

Mr. Tom Raines and family of Haywood county have moved to Balsam.

Mrs. Maybelle Perry, Mrs. W.B. Farwell and Mr. C.R. Jones Jr. dined with Mrs. John Lyles in Haywood county Sunday.

Mr. Dave Green of Willets was in Balsam Monday.

Mrs. J.T. Jones and little Miss Freda visited Mrs. Odell Mehaffey in Canton last week.

Mrs. H.P. Ensley and son Hubert accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ensley of Waynesville left Monday in an Oldsmobile for Fort Myers, Fla., where they intend to spend the winter.


From page 4 of the Carolina Mountaineer and Waynesville Courier, Monday, Dec. 3, 1923

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