Sunday, December 10, 2023

W.L. Thomas Pleased With His Cotton Crop, Dec. 10, 1923

May Try Cotton on Fertile Soils of Rockingham

W.L. Thomas of Milton finds that raising cotton in his section is not only possible but that it is quite profitable. He recently sold 170 bales of his fleecy staple to J.A. Long, cotton mill manufacturer at Roxboro for 32 cents per pound. Mr. Long is also very enthusiastic in his support of the development of Person and Caswell counties into cotton growing areas.

Mr. Thomas says it is now most likely that the crop in the Caswell area will be increased by many thousand acres and he believes that Mr. Long’s advocacy of the movement will give the farmers an added enthusiasm.

It is now Mr. Thomas’ purpose to install a large ginning plant in Milton to take care of the increased crop. Ginning in large quantities, he says, will enable him to give the farmers a greatly reduced price.

C.C. McCann planted an acre and a half of very thin tobacco land in cotton last spring as an experiment. He sold the cotton and seeds for approximately $44, which is perhaps twice as much as he would have received had he planted the same land in tobacco.

J.W. Price, merchant and farmer of Price, Rockingham county, thinks cotton would also thrive in this county, and he is figuring on an experiment in order to satisfy his belief.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Dec. 10, 1923

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