Saturday, June 29, 2024

Arson Case Before Judge Sinclair This Week, June 29, 1924

Arson Case Is Slated for Trial in Court This Week

Sheriff Harward Saturday mailed notices to all members of the county grand jury to appear for duty on Monday morning. A.W. Weatherspoon is foreman of the jury whose term expires at the end of the special term, which will be convened on Monday by Judge N.A. Sinclair.

In point of public interest the investigation of alleged fraud at the Eakes store precinct in the last Democratic primary, scheduled for Tuesday, is the most important business to come before the jury.

Listed among the 165 cases of the special term of court, which will also be the last court conducted in Durham county by Judge Sinclair for several years, are two arson cases against I.G. Finch, who is alleged to have fired a dwelling on Driver avenue in East Durham last year, in conspiracy with Robert Marshall, owner of the dwelling, and two murder cases, one against Phillip Rogers and one against Harry Mitchell. Neither of the two negroes have been captured that are charged with murder, but the grand jury will be asked for indictment against the two. Rogers shot a negro woman who went under the name of Rogers last summer in Haiti in summer in Haiti in front of house in which the two had been living when he saw her with another negro man. Rogers is alleged to have shot another negro in the leg while a “crap” game was in progress in Haiti early in the year.

E.D. Upchurch, white man, is charged with manslaughter following the death in January of a man by the name of Smith as the result of a collision of the two near the Pearl Mill during the holiday season. Smith was riding a bicycle and Upchurch was driving the automobile which passed over Smith, resulting eventually in his death, it was stated by officers Saturday.

The number of cases involving liquor is, as usual, the largest on the docket. Illegal possession and transporting liquor stand well up in the number of cases. Speeding and reckless driving is also charged against a score of defendants. Charlie Beavers is charged with driving an auto while intoxicated, illegal possession of liquor, and injury to property, but Ed Scarlett goes him better with four cases of the same general nature. The latter is charged with speeding, injury to property, transporting whiskey, and driving an auto while intoxicated. E.L. Fields is charged with forgery on three counts, and the cases are docketed for Monday.

It is probable that only a small number of cases will be disposed of at the special criminal term, for many of the defendants are out on bond for appearance at the regular term of criminal court in October.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, June 29, 1924

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