Friday, June 28, 2024

C.S. Wilson Receives Annapolis Appointment, June 28, 1924

North Carolina Boy Goes Annapolis Naval Academy

College Park, Ga., June 27th—A North Carolina boy, Calvert Statham Wilson of Southern Pines, N.C., who has just been graduated from Georgia Military Academy, has received an appointment to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, his appointment coming from Congressman W.C. Hamner of North Carolina.

Wilson was graduated with honor, being one of the 13 men to win the coveted Gold Eagle, given for excellence in deportment and in class-room work. He was athletic editor of the G.M.A. magazine, “The Gamilaced,” winner of the medal for the best kept room, member of the band, winner of second honors in the Senior Class, and was graduated as second lieutenant. He will enter the Naval Academy in July.

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, June 28, 1924

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