Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Terrible Hail Storm in Iredell, Alexander Counties, June 1924

Terrible Hail Storm Passed Through Iredell

Crops were damaged [valued at] thousands of dollars in Iredell county June 14th by a hail storm, which started into Iredell at the Wilkes-Yadkin line that Saturday afternoon and increased in intensity until is passed out the southern border of Iredell. The width of the storm was two to five miles wide. Shell-like hail, some places two feet deep, fell, says the report.

Wheat was beaten down, gardens and fruit ruined. Cotton faired worst; six to eight inches high, [it was] stripped to the ground.

Crops on Mocksville road were reported ruined. Tenants were hit hardest.


The same afternoon in Alexander county, a hail storm—or the same storm—passed through Little River township, the Taylorsville Times said, June 19th. “It was especially severe in the vicinity of Popular Spring church. The corn was stripped and the cotton and small grain crops badly damaged on some farms—the third destructive hail storm in the county in the last 10 days.”

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, June 25, 1924

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