Thursday, June 27, 2024

Informative Farmers' Picnics Being Planned, June 27, 1924

Farmers’ Picnics

Many have pleasant recollections of Picnic Week last year.

Our own Jimmie Gray, assistant director of farm demonstration work; J.A. Arey, dairy specialist; and Allen G. Oliver, poultry specialist, have agreed to spend the week of August 4th to 9th holding meetings in Macon County. It will not be possible for these men to go to every community in the county but they can hold meetings in six communities.

County Agent Arrendale does not want to go to the same places this year with the same men. He wants to know which communities would want a meeting. A good picnic ground with plenty of shade and good water is all that is necessary. Get together and let him know what you have.

From page 2 of the Franklin Press, Macon County, N.C., Friday, June 27, 1924

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