Sunday, October 3, 2021

Alumni News From Guilford College, Oct. 3, 1921

Alumni News

A letter has been received from Rhesa Newlin in which he expressed much interest in Guilford affairs, particularly in general supervised athletics. As a member of the athletic committee for the past year, Mr. Newlin gave his services very freely that this work might become a success.

Mr. Newlin finished in the class of ‘17 and was assistant in the Mathematics Department last year. He is now doing graduate work in Mathematics at the University of Chicago, where he expects to remain for 15 months, after which he will renew his work at Guilford College. HIs address is 6033 Ellis Avenue, Chicago.

A number of Guilford Alumni continued their studies at Carolina University the past summer. Among these were Misses Ruthe Coble, Mary Lea Shamberger, Lean Stanley and Ethel Speas.

Mr. Walter Grabbs, ‘13, of Bethania, conducted the services at the Friends church here, last Sunday.

Miss Beatrice Byrd of the music Department of Guilford College has recently been appointed director of the choir of the First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro.

Miss Grace Taylor, ‘17, and her sister, Miss Mary Taylor, are teaching at Germantown.

Miss Dovie Hayworth, ‘20, is teaching at White Oak.

Miss Florence Martin, ‘21, and Luby Casey, ‘20, were married at Guilford College last summer. Both Mr. and Mrs. Casey are now teaching in the schools of Mt. Airy.

Mr. Wm. T. Boyce, ‘09, has a son, Durant, born September. 12.

Miss Katherine Dorsett, the first editor of the Guilfordian, attended the opening reception this fall. Miss Dorsett is teaching English in the Greensboro High School.

From The Guilfordian, Guilford College, Greensboro, October 3, 1921

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