Monday, October 4, 2021

Children's Home Has 60 Boys Ready for Placement, Oct. 4, 1921

Help Us Find a Home for These Orphans

Editor Enterprise:

Sometime back we asked you to assist us in finding homes for 20 boys. The publicity ou gave this appeal furnished us homes for over 60 boys and girls.

Winter is coming on and we have in sight for October, November and December, 60 boys wh are now in distress and for whom we are seeking homes.

We know you delight in co-operating with our Society in this great area of saving innocent children who are not responsible for their condition.

Let the good people within your field know that this service is before them. There are hundreds of childless homes in Nort Carolina, if only they could be located. Publicity is the means. If we were a commercial enterprise we would gladly buy space in your paper and thus reach the people. But we operate entirely by voluntary contributions and scarcely collect enough funds to feed and clothe these unfortunate children while they are in our receiving home.

Help us all you can. We have the following boys ready for placement during the coming 90 days:

5 boys, six months to 15 months of age.

15 boys 2 years to 5 years of age.

10 boys 6 years to 8 years of age.

20 boys 10 years of age.

10 boys 12 to 14 years of age.


John J. Phoenix, State Superintendent, Children’s Home Society of North Carolina, Inc.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, N.C., Oct. 4, 1921

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