Saturday, October 16, 2021

Dr. Herron, John Manly, Mrs. McDowell, Mrs. Barksdale, Rev. Crawford, 3-Year-Old Mary Clark Have Died, Oct. 16, 1921

Dr. A.M. Herron Dies Suddenly. . . Well-Known Physician of City Succumbs to Heart Trouble

Dr. A. Mack Herron, one of the well-known physicians of Charlotte, died suddenly Saturday night at 11 o’clock at his home, 206 North Church Street. He had been in ill-health for some weeks but had recuperated and was at his office as late as 6:30 o’clock last night. He was a sufferer from heart trouble. About 10 o’clock he suffered an attack and died at 11 o’clock.

The arrangements for the funeral services were not complete last night. They will be held some time Monday, however, and will probably be conducted by Rev. Dr. A.A. McGeachy, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, of which Dr. Herron was a member.

Dr. Herron was born and reared in Berryhill township, near Steel Creek Church, and was a member of one of the foremost families of the county. He was a son of the late Dr. Herron of the Steel Creek neighborhood, who was one of the county’s leading physicians and citizens for years. He studied medicine at the Charleston Medical College and elsewhere and for a number of years practiced his profession in association with his father in the county. Later he came to Charlotte and has practiced here for many years. He was a popular and active member of the Mecklenburg Medical Society and was a member of a number of fraternal and other organizations.

Surviving Dr. Herron hare his wife and three children. The children are Mrs. P.V. Russeau, Robert Herron and Miss Ruth Herron, all of Charlotte. Three sisters of Dr. Herron also survive. They are Mrs. Price Neely of Florida; Mrs. Walter McEachin of Laurinburg; and Mrs. John McDowell of Mecklenburg County.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, Oct. 16, 1921



Salisbury, Oct. 15—John B. Manly, for 17 years deputy in the office of Clerk of Court McCubbins, died today following a week’s illness. Mr. Manly was 48 years old. He never married but lived with his mother. His father died when he was a small boy. Mr. Manly was one of the best known men in the county and was highly esteemed. Interment will be in Raleigh, Mr. Manly’s native town, the body being taken to that place Sunday.


Asheville, Oct. 15—Funeral services for Mrs. Nannie Black McDowell, prominent educator, were held Friday morning at Weaverville, near here. Dr. W.K. Byrd, nephew of the deceased, arrived this morning to attend the services. He is engaged in research work at the University of Pennsylvania, and is head of the history department at Trinity College, Durham.


After an illness of several months, Mrs. Emily Woodson Barksdale, widow of Charles Henry Barksdale of Charlotte County, Va., died Friday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Andrew H. Milstead, 802 East Avenue.

Mrs. Barksdale, who was 79 years of age, had made her home with Mrs. Milstead for the last three years, spending a few months of time with a son, Dr. J.W. Barksdale, a prominent surgeon of Greenwood, Miss.

She was a woman of brilliant literary attainments and within recent years had contributed largely to prominent magazines. In addition to the son and daughter, Mrs. Barksdale is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. J.T. Jarvis, Greenville, N.C.; Mrs. D.W. Bacon, Maiden, Mass.; Rev. J.C. Woodson, Shelby; Dr. Louis D. Woodson, Birmingham, Ala.; and Byorn Woodson, Platte City, Mo.

The body will be accompanied to Halifax County, Va., the funeral beign held probably Sunday afternoon by Rev. Thornton S. Wilson.

Local pallbearers who will accompany the body to the station include Rev. Morrison Brown, Dr. M.A. Bland, Walter B. Davidson, Alfred Brown, Rawlinson Myers and J.S. Wier.


Rev. Peter Flournoy Crawford, 67, retired Baptist preacher, died Saturday night at 9:30 o’clock at the home of his son, M.T. Crawford, 1406 East Fourth Street, following an illness of some time.

Mr. Crawford, who was born in Talbot County, Georgia, came to Charlotte about a year ago to live iwht his son. He was in declining heath at the time.

He is survived by his wife and the following sons: C.V. Crawford of Birmingham, Alabama; M.T. Crawford of this city; R.M. Crawford of Hawthorne, Florida; and R.W. Crawford of Anderson, S.C.

No funeral arrangements had been made Saturday night. The arrangements will not be made until the arrival of all the sons. The burial service will be held here, interment being in Elmwood Cemetery.


The funeral of Mary Ollie, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Clark of Thomasville, who died at her parents’ home Friday night, was conducted at the home Saturday afternoon. Interment was in Mulberry church yard.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, Oct. 16, 1921

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