Sunday, March 6, 2022

Population in State Prison in Raleigh Has Increased 25% In Last Six Months, March 6, 1922

Prison Statistics

According to a recent report of the superintendent, the population of the State’s prison has increased 25 per cent in six months. The total has increased from 725 to 985, which it sees it “that some of the all-too-numerous criminal class is going where they belong.”

It is also interesting to note from the report that “thrice as many white men are being brought to the State prison as negroes,” and the superintendent is also of the opinion that able-bodied prisoners are being sent to the chain gang in the various counties, while the sickly prisoners are being sent to the State prison. He says that no more than 60 per cent of the convicts sent to the State prison are able to work. “Apparently the counties are keeping the able-bodied men for road work and sending the State’s prison those who would be unable to work for their upkeep.”

This seemingly is a change that the Judges and county officials agree to this arrangement, for the Judge has the final say as to where the prisoner will be sent.

The increase shows, we hope, what the Statesville paper indicates: viz., that more criminals are now getting what they deserve than they formerly did. And we believe the attitude of Governor Morrison refusing to pardon everybody that comes along also has something to do with the increase. It is not so easy to get out of prison now as it once was, and with even a normal number of prisoners going in and coming out by pardon, it would take but a short while to make the increase in the total noticeable.

From editorial page of The Concord Times, March 6, 1922. J.B. Sherrill, editor and publisher; W.M. Sherrill, associate editor.

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