Thursday, March 3, 2022

Stewart Running for Beaufort Solicitor, March 3, 1922

Beaufort County’s Choice for Solicitor


Mr. Stewart is Beaufort County’s offering as Democratic candidate for the office of Solicitor of the First Judicial District. He is 36 years old, a lawyer by profession, a member of the law firm of Stewart & Bryan of Washington, N.C. He is an able, energetic, aggressive and progressive youngster and is making the fight interesting on his side of the Sound anyway. The campaign slogan adopted for him by his friends is “The Solicitorship belongs on the South side of the Sound this time.” He has the unanimous endorsement of the Beaufort County bar and both Lindsay C. Warren and Judge Stephen G. Bragaw are writing pieces for the papers in behalf of his candidacy.

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, March 3, 1922

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