Saturday, May 7, 2022

Mrs. Schlitz, First Woman to Run for Elective Office in Mecklenburg County, May 7, 1922

Mrs. Schlitz to Run for Office. . . First Woman to Submit Name for Elective Office Is Now in the Field

Definite announcement that at least one woman will be a candidate for a county office in the coming primary and election was made Saturday afternoon when Mrs. M.M. Schlitz, proprietor of the Flower Shop on North Tryon street, formally made the statement that she had decided to enter the race for register of deeds.

The name of Mrs. Schlitz had been associated for some time with the legislative ticket of the county, but prior to that time her name had been mentioned in connection with the register of deeds office.

Mrs. Schlitz will be the first woman of Charlotte or Mecklenburg county to run for an elective office. There are women notaries and other women who are political officials in the State and county, but all of them won their places by appointment. Mrs. Schiltz will formally go on record as the first woman of the county to offer for an elective office.

In a statement Saturday in connection with her announcement, Mrs. Schiltz said, “I am the first woman candidate in a primary for an office in Mecklenburg county, and respectfully request the support of every woman and man voter in the county for the office of register of deeds.

“Democracy will hereafter depend on the votes of women for its success, and they should be recognized and supported on the ticket for some of the offices of the county. The office to which I aspire is one that requires the neatness, care and accuracy which a woman can give as well as a man. Democracy does not believe in lifetime jobs, though I am making no personal fight on the present incumbent. It is now the duty of every woman who can register and vote in the coming primary to do so. This is the only way her voice can be heard and her influence felt in county, State and national affairs.”

There have been a number of women suggested for other offices, but up to Saturday no other announcements has been made. Miss Pearl Caldwell of Huntersville a popular school teacher of the county, had been mentioned for the position of county treasurer, but she has made no announcement. Mrs. R.M. Person, wife of one of the representatives of the county in the Lower house, has been spoken of for that position, but has made no announcement. Mrs. R.E. McDowell of Steel Creek has been mentioned for one or two offices but has said that she has no intention of becoming a candidate for any office.

Mrs. Schiltz is a voter in Sharon township, though she is in Charlotte every day in charge of the Flower ship which she has conducted on North Tryon street for several years with marked success. Her husband is a successful railroad contractor. She has three children, all in Charlotte schools.

From The Charlotte News, May 7, 1922

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