Monday, December 5, 2022

Donated Clothing Allows Miss Vera Wayne to Marry Today, Dec. 5, 1922

Wedding Bells Are to Ring Despite Blaze. . . Clothing of Young Bride-Elect Destroyed with Her Home, But Committee to See to It That She Has Equipment for Her Marriage Today

The fire that swept away the home, and with it the trousseau of Miss Vera Wayne will not silence the wedding bells that were to have rung for her today, it was learned at the clothing distribution section of relief headquarters yesterday.

Miss Wayne had only recently purchased her clothing for the great event and was ready for “the day” when the disaster swept across a third of New Bern and carried with it the little girl’s possessions.

Yesterday she went to Miss Leah Jones Stevens, welfare superintendent, who had been acquainted with her marriage secret and told her tearfully of her loss. Mrs. Stevens would not see the little bride-elect’s hopes shattered, and so the committee hurried through the piles of clothing and provided her with many articles that will serve her.

And so, Miss Wayne will be married today.

From The New Bern Sun-Journal, Dec. 5, 1922

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