Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Letters to Santa, December 1922

Letters to Santa Claus

Charlotte, Dec. 15, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I want you to bring me a writing desk and a tool box and some fruit. I am only six years old and in first grade and I want my brother to have a tricycle and some fruits of all kind please. Little Helen is my baby sister. She wants a baby doll that cries mama and some oranges.

Edwin Wilson


Charlotte, Dec. 15, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

Please bring me a little sheep and a little bed to lay her in and some candy, nut, fruits. I am four years old. Allie Payne, my address is No. 3 East Bland street.


Charlotte, N.C.

Dear Santa,

Please bring me baby doll, cart, candy, fruits. I am two years old.

Your friend,

Ethel Cook


Charlotte, N.C.

Dear Santa,

Bring the curly headed doll, candy, fruits. I am nine years old.

Your friend,

Kathren Cook


Charlotte, N.C.

Dear Santa,

Please bring me drum and kiddy kar. I am four years old. Candy, fruits.

Your friend, Emmett Cook


Charlotte, N.C.

Dear Santa,

I am eight years old and in the second grade. Please bring me a large sleepy doll, pair of skates, pair of bed room slippers, a work basket, sewing machine, a dresser and lots of fruits and candy.

Your friend,

Nancy Glenn


Charlotte, N.C.

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a tent that I can set up in, and a train, and ad rum, and lots of fruits, nuts and candy.

Your friend, Williard Dulin

P.S. Please bring me a pair of gloves.


Dear Santa,

Please bring me a pair of gloves, a pair of skates and a tricycle and lots of fruits, nuts and candies.

Your friend,

Lucile Dulin


Dear Old Santa,

I want you to come to see me Christmas to bring me a nice doll that cries, and a doll carriage. I want a lot of candy, oranges, raisins, apples, bananas. Mama said she would lend me one of her stockings to hang up because I rub her head and feet at night. Bring me a lot of things and don’t forget papa and Oenby.

Your little friend,

Virginia Gorman

513 Worthington avenue

Charlotte, N.C.


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello there, how are you? Come to see me soon as I get tired waiting for Christmas. Bring me an automobile and I will let my dady ride in it because he is writing this for me. Bring a blue one with lights, a bumper and a horn on it. Bring me a drum, a horn to blow, some nuts, apples, oranges, candy, bananas, etc. Good by and don’t forget.

Your little friend,

Buddy Gorman, 513 Worthington avenue, city


Charlotte, N.C.

Dear Santa Claus,

Please send me a nice fur coat send it to Eustace avenue, No. 10, in care of Berbra Mills. I am 15 years old and in the fifth grade. I am without a mother.

Ruby Wilburn


Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little girl seven years old and please bring me a carriage, ring and bracelet and a pair of gloves, and plenty of fruit.

Virginia Alice Pope

311 S. Cedar street


Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little girl six years old. I want you to please bring me a doll that says “mama” and a pair of bedroom slippers, a bathrobe and fruits and nuts of all kinds. With lots of love to you Santa.

Your little girl,

Clara Pope, 1105 South Graham street

Charlotte, N.C.


Dear Santa,

I am a sweet little boy 18 months old. I want you to bring me a little coaster wagon and a doll, lots of fruits, nuts and candy.

Your little friend,

S.E. Cooke Jr.


Charlotte, N.C.

Dear Santa,

I am a little girl 3 years old and I want you to bring me a doll, a cart and a sewing machine, lots of fruit, nuts and candy.

Your little friend,

Mary Edna Cooke

P.S. Don’t forget mother and daddy.


Charlotte, N.C.

December 13, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

Please bring me a rain coat, a pair of skates, a doll, a pair of gloves, and fruits, nuts and candy. I am seven years old, in the second grade.

Hazel Crowenbery


Dear Santa,

Please bring me a big doll, a carriage, a pair of gloves, and fruits, nuts and candy. I am five years old.

Thanking you in advance,

Eloise Cronenberg, 506 N. Pine


Charlotte, N.C.

December 13, 1922

My Dear Santa,

Here it’s Christmas again, and guess you will want to know what we little girls want!

First, I want you to remember too the children in New Bern who lost all they had in a fire. I want a raincoat, a pair of skates, a doll, a pair of gloves, and lots of good things to eat. I am eight years old.

Olive Cronenberg

P.S. Please bring Mary Lake a doll, a carriage and plenty of good things to eat. I am three years old.


December 12, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I want you to bring me a wagon truck, fruits and candy.

Robert Phillips, Baxter st.


Charlotte, N.C.

December 11, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little boy two years old. I want a wagon and a ball. Lots of fruits, and nuts. Well guess that is all.

Your friend,

John Wilkinson Jr.

P.S. Please don’t forget mama and papa.


Charlotte, N.C.

December 12, 1922

My Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little boy nine years old and I go to school every day. I am in the third grade. I will tell you what I want you to bring me. A suit of clothes and a new pair of shoes to wear to school and plenty of good things to eat.

Your little friend,

Ray Miller

11 Houston avenue, Belbro mill


Charlotte, N.C.

December 12, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little girl four years old. I am a good little girl and I want you to bring me a sleepy doll and a big red carriage to roll it in, a new pair of shoes, No. 5 ½, and bed and a dining room set and all that you can spare, and plenty of good things to eat.

Your little loving friend,

Willie Miller

11 Houston avenue, Belbro Mill


Charlotte, N.C.

December 12, 1922

Dear Old Santa,

I am a little curly headed girl six years old and go to school. I am in the first grade. I like my school teacher just fine. I love you too, so please don’t forget me this time. You brought me lots of toys last Christmas. I have my dollie yet. I want ask for another this time, but please bring her a high chair. Please bring me a pair of bed room slippers, a teaset, a push cart for dollie, some sparklers and lots of fruits, nuts and candies. Don’t forget the dear little orphans without father or mother. Bring little brother lots of nice things. He is most two months old and awful sweet. Remember mother and daddy.

Your little friend,

Nellie Mae Griffin

204 East Sixth street


December 12, 1922

Dear Santa,

I am a little mischievous three-year-old boy. I want you to please bring me a little tricycle, a horn, a ball, some gloves, a pair of stockings, some fireworks and lots of fruits, nuts and candies. Santa you brought me a nigger man last Christmas and dad and I had lots of fun with him to please bring me a big negro boy this time with red lips but I want promise you to kiss them. I ate some of mudder’s good cake. I will leave out for you fill our Christmas tree and stockings full. That’s all I ask of you Old Fellow. Good night Santa.

From J.B. Griffin, 304 East Sixth street


Davidson, N.C.

December 14, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little girl ten years old. I am in the fifth grade. I want a pair of skates and some candy, oranges, apples and nuts. This is all for this time.

Yours truly,

Mildred Fortner


Davidson, N.C.

December 14, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little boy two years old. I want a wagon, a horse, some candy, oranges and apples, nuts.

Yours truly,

Eugene Fortner


Dear Santa,

Please bring me a bicycle with a light on it, a cowboy suit and some fire crackers. If you have any cany and fruit left over, please bring me a little bit.

Your good friend,

James Thompson



Dec. 12, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

This is my first time I have written you. Please bring me a bicycle and anything else nice and I will be glad. Don’t forget mama and dady.

From Elbert Phillips


Dear Santa Claus,

I want you to please bring me a cowboy suit and an Indian suit and a pair of shoes, some candy and oranges and nuts.

Your little friend,

Davis Crawford

Bessemer City



Dec. 13, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I want you to bring me an automobile with a cranker on it, a jumping jack, some sparklers, apples and candy, and a boy doll that will say mama and a cradle to sleep in and I want a jaw breaker and some gloves and oranges. That’s all this time. Roland Keistler



Dec. 13, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I want you to bring me an automobile with a cranker on it and lights and a jaw breaker, and a pair of gloves, some candy, apples and oranges, negro toes, and some bananas and some sparklers, and a train with coal cars on it. That’s all this time.

E.M. Keistler Jr.


Charlotte, Dec. 12, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

Will you please bring me a knife, a belt and ring, please bring me some nuts fruit and candy. I am seven years old and in the second grade. Please don’t forget the other little boys and girls.

P.S. a pair of gloves.

Yours truly,

Paul Carter



Dec. 12, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little girl three years old. Will you please bring me a tricycle a doll and don’t forget my little sister, Gean, please bring us both some nuts and fruit and candy.


Billy Lentz


N. Charlotte

Dec. 12, 1922

I am a little boy nine years old. I go to school and I am in the second grade, and I go to Sunday school also. So please bring me a slip over sweater, a bogan to match a cap pistol some fire works, fruits, candy and nuts and please don’t forget my little sister Mildren, she wants an automobile a doll with overalls, and lots of fire works all kinds of fruit, candy and nuts.

Your little friends,

Samuel and Mildred Gardner


Charlotte, Dec. 12, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a girl nine years old. I want a desk, and a pocket book, lots of fruits and nuts. Well I guess that will be all.

Your little friend,

Marie Wilkinson

P.S. Please don’t forget mama and papa.



Dec. 12, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little girl four years old, I want you to bring me a pocket book a pair of gloves, a doll, and lots of candy, fruits, and nuts. Well I guess this is all.

Your friend,

Elizabeth Wilkinson

P.S. Please don’t forget mama and papa.


Charlotte, N.C.

December 14, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

Please bring me a football and a good game of some kind and candy, nuts, fruit and some raisins.

Your little friend,

Hazel Miller

1519 East Seventh street


Fort Mill, S.C.

December 13, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I thought I would write and tell you what I want you to bring me. I want you to bring me a doll, and a piano. Don’t forget my brothers and my sisters and my mother and father and lots of fruit, nuts, candy, raisins. So will close. I wish you a merry Christmas. Good bye.

From Staller Bryant


Fort Mill, S.C.

December 13, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I want you to come to see me Christmas. I want you to bring me a Alabama coon nigger and a top and bring me an air rifle and lots of nuts and candy. Goodby Santa Claus.

From Lowe Floyd Adcock


Fort Mill, S.C.

December 13, 1922

Dear Santa Claus,

I am writing you a few lines to let you hear from me. I want you to come to see me Christmas. I want you to bring me an air rifle and a box of shots and a lots of fruit.

Your friend Marshall Porter

From the Charlotte Observer, December, 1922<

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