Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Stolen Lard, Other Goods, Recovered Near Hope Mills, Dec. 4, 1922

Goods Stolen by Six Negroes Are Being Recovered. . . Another Arrest in Case Made When Goods Are Found in Store Near Hope Mills

There are some aftermaths to the big freight car robbing which was unearthed here last week. Charlie Walker, the negro who was the ring-leader of the gang of robbers, told the officers after his trial and imprisonment, that at 2 o’clock one morning last week, he and Albert Bryant drove to the store of Lauchlin McDonald, negro, and called him out. Walker said they had the back part of the car filled with goods of various kinds. They offered to sell McDonald a 48-pound stand of lard for $6. He offered them $5, which they took, delivered the lard and drove off.

Officers at once went to McDonald’s place, which is located near Hope Mills, arrested him and brought him to town. He gave bond for his appearance in court. Walker also told that a lot of shoes had been hidden in the woods. He carried them to the spot described, and, sure enough, the shoes were there. They were brought to town and added to the already large collection of stolen goods.

From the front page of The Fayetteville Observer, Dec. 4, 1922.

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