Sunday, February 5, 2023

Judge Robinson Finally Grants Divorce, Feb. 4, 1923

Jury Got to Laughing So the Judge Got Mad. . . But Additional Evidence Secured Plaintiff Verdict to Divorce Suit

Goldsboro, February 3—Judge W.D. O’B. Robinson sat on another jury yesterday on a divorce case, and he had with him Col. George K. Freeman and Rev. Thomas Beaman. What’s more he hung the jury and served notice that he would stay there until twice two was six before he would give the plaintiff a divorce on any such evidence as that offered. All the jury got to laughing and then judge got mad.

“What are you all laughing at?” he demanded. “Haven’t you all any more respect than to laugh at a serious think like this. Think how unkind it is to this woman.” Colonel Freeman pulled the judge aside a little. “They are not laughing at the case, Judge. They are laughing at you—at your cussing before this preacher.” “Is that so?” and the Judge laughed too. “I didn’t know he was a preacher. Well, anyway he is the only one who has stood by me here. That shows he has some sense.”

The jury had to go out and hear some more evidence before the judge would vote with them in favor of a verdict in favor of the plaintiff.

From page 4 of the Raleigh News & Observer, Feb. 4, 1923

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