Monday, February 6, 2023

Sallie Hamme Weds Frank Clark Jr., Feb. 6, 1923

Hamme-Clark. . . The Happy Couple Will Make Their Home in Miami, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Hamme announces the marriage of their daughter, Sallie Heath, to Mr. Frank Clark Jr., January 5, 1923, Danville, Va.

Miss Hamme is one of the Granville county’s most charming and attractive young ladies, and is favorably known over this and other states, and her host of friends will be greatly surprised to hear of her marriage.

Mr. Clark is an attorney in Miami, and the son of Congressman Frank Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will make their home in Miami.

From the front page of The Oxford Public Ledger, February 6, 1923

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