Monday, February 6, 2023

Mrs. Poindexter Accuses Wives of Misusing Government Cars, Flowers, Band, Feb. 6, 1923

Mrs. Poindexter Speaks Her Mind. . . The Wife of the Senator Stirs Hornet’s Next in Washington

Mrs. Miles Poindexter, wife of the defeated United States Senator from Washington, has stirred up a hornet’s nest in Washington by her public revelations of official secrets, in which she named wives of Cabinet secretaries as using Government automobiles, having the Marine Band play for them and getting flowers from Government conservatories. One of the women most stirred up is Mrs. James. J. Davis, wife of the Secretary of Labor, who is said by Mrs. Poindexter to have used Government automobiles on her shopping expeditions.

From the front page of The Oxford Public Ledger, February 6, 1923

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