Friday, February 10, 2023

Wiley Perry To Die in Electric Chair March 9, 1923

Negro to be Electrocuted

Wiley Perry, negro who killed Roy Aiken of Creedmoor in November, 1921, was convicted of first degree murder in court on Thursday night and sentenced Friday by Judge Bond to be electrocuted March 9. The jury was one hour and 20 minutes in bringing in the verdict.

The negro was represented by B.K. Lassiter and F.W. Hancock Jr., while he was prosecuted by Solicitor L.P. McLendon and F.G. McDuffie of Creedmoor. Roy Aiken who was killed had just returned from France in the world war and was assisting Policeman Curl of Creedmoor in arresting Perry for blockading whiskey. Perry was attempting to shoot the policeman when he shot Aiken. The entire county was stirred at the time by the murder of the young man and every effort was made to catch Perry who remained in hiding until a month ago when he was found in Suffolk, Va., where had been at work.

From page 6 of the Durham Morning Herald, Saturday, Feb. 10, 1923

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