Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Brower, Cross, Norris, Teague, Gatlin, Allen, Welch Obituaries, March 8, 1923


Mrs. James A. Brower of Coleridge Dead

Mrs. James A. Brower died at her home at Coleridge following an attack of pneumonia on March 1st. Mrs. Brower was the daughter of Mrs. Gurney Cox of Coleridge. Mrs. Brower was a splendid woman, and her death is greatly deplored by the citizens in her community. She is survived by her husband, mother and four small children.


Miles Cross, Confederate Veteran Dead

Mr. Miles Henry Cross died at his home in North Asheboro last Saturday at the age of 81 years, following confinement to his bed of more than three years.

Mr. Cross was born and reared in Randolph County but went West in 1873. He spent several years in the West, coming back to Randolph County where he has since made his home.

Mr. Cross was a confederate veteran. He was a member of the Neighbors Grove Church. Mr. Cross has been patient in suffering and although confined to his bed has taken keen interest in the outside world.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hattie Pendleton Cross, a brother, Bud Cross of Randleman, a sister, Miss Vannie Cross of Franklinville, and one adopted brother, W.A. Cross, who has for the last few days been stationed at Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, N.C.

Among the out-of-town guests were: W.A. Cross, Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, N.C., Mrs. Alice Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Yow, Mrs. Daisy Welborn and Melvin Yow of High Point, Miss Grace Moon and Lottie Moon of Franklinville, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bristoe, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jordan of Central Falls.

From the front page of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., published Thursday, March 8, 1923.

Former Montgomery County Woman Dies in Greensboro

Mrs. R.W. Hall, formerly of Troy, died in Greensboro last week at the age of 64 years. The body was taken to Troy for burial.


Ex-Solicitor Norris Dead

Herbert E. Norris, who retired from the solicitorship of the seventh district after 12 years’ service in that office, died in Raleigh, February 22. Funeral services were held at 3 o’clock Friday afternoon from the First Baptist church.

The deceased was 64 years old. His widow and one son survive.

From page 3 of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., published Thursday, March 8, 1923.


Mrs. Laura Teague Dies in Her 89th Year

Mrs. Laura Ann Teague, one of the county’s oldest women, died at the home of her son, H. Clay Teague, seven miles east of Liberty, Saturday night at the age of 89.

Funeral services were held from Pleasant Hill church yesterday, Rev. W.M. Pike conducting. Interment was made in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Teague was the widow of Christopher Teague, who died about ?? years ago. She is survived by the following children: A.A. Teague of Greensboro, Mrs. Ros Worman, Eugene Teague, Mrs. Florence Eulyss, Clay Teague, and Mrs. Della Fogleman, all of Liberty. She also leaves 45 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.

From page 4 of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., published Thursday, March 8, 1923.


Gilbert Gatlin Dies in Government Hospital

Gilbert Gatlin died at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., March 2. His body arrived in Asheboro on March 5th and was laid to rest in Asheboro cemetery Tuesday. Gilbert all his life has been known around Asheboro as Jink Gatlin.

During the world war he went to Camp Jackson where he had training until he contracted influenza, from which he never recovered. He was sent home at the close of the war and remained here for a time but his health gave completely away and he was sent to a government hospital at Nashville, Tenn., later being transferred to St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Washington.

He is survived by his mother, two sisters, Miss Alice Gatlin, Mrs. George Cox, and three brothers, namely, Elmore, John and Dillard Gatlin, of Asheboro.

From page 5 of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., published Thursday, March 8, 1923.


Richard Allen, 2 Months Old

Richard Allen, the two-months’-old child of L.C. Hancock of Franklinville, died Saturday. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. S.L. Morgan and Rev. W.S. Scott at Franklinville Baptist church Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hancock have the sympathy of our community.


Mrs. J.D. Welch of Seagrove, Victim of Pneumonia

Mrs. J.D. Welch died at her home at Seagrove following two weeks’ illness of pneumonia on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Welch was apparently getting along nicely and asked someone who was in the room to raise her up in the bed, after which she died suddenly. While Mrs. Welch had been considered seriously ill, the doctors seemed to think she was improving. Mrs. Welch was a most estimable woman. She was the daughter of the late J.J. Lucas, who died seven years ago. She was married more than 26 years ago to Mr. J.D. Welch, who died of pneumonia three months ago. She is survived by her mother, who lives in Union township; by one sister, Mrs. J.S. Richardson of Seagrove, Star Route; a brother, Bethel Lucas of Union township. Deceased was 48 years of age.

She had for a number of years been a member of the Church at Pisgah, from which the funeral service was conducted at 4 o’clock Monday afternoon. Rev. Vipperman of Seagrove and Rev. Eli Lawrence of Randleman conducted the service. Mrs. Welch was a pure-minded Christian woman and will be greatly missed in her community. a large number of people attended the funeral service.

From page 8 of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., published Thursday, March 8, 1923.

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