Monday, September 4, 2023

Herman Horne's Song Hailing Johnston County, Sept. 4, 1923

Hail to Johnston County

(Tune, “Ho! For Carolina!)

Do you love Carolina, our Old North State,

With its hundred counties vying to be great?

Then just love old Johnston better than the rest,

For it is your very own to serve and make it best.


Hail to Johnston County, that’s the place to be!

On its fertile farm lands live the thrifty, free,

And its thankful people none can finer be,

Oh, it is a bounteous land with great and full plenty.

Wilson’s Mills and Smithfield, Banner and Boon Hill,

Elevation, O’Neals, Selma, Bentonville

Meadow, Beulah, Wilders, Ingrams, Pleasant Grove,

Cleveland, Clayton, Pine Level and Micro let us love!

Think of all its fine “boys,” men and maidens too,

Mothers by their hearthsides, faithful, loving, true,

Who in church and nation, school and store and farm,

Worship God while serving man, and free from all alarm!

First in sweet potatoes, first in poultry too,

Then come corn and cotton, pork and “a good chew,”

With an auto for a ride and a road to,

With some money in the bank,--our blessings who can know?

God in Heaven we thank Thee, Thou our Father still,

Make us true and worthy to do Thy holy will;

May we love each other, respect and keep the law,

Always be Thy children and worship Thee in awe.

Sept. 1, 1923

--Herman H. Horne

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, September 4, 1923

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