Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Johnston County Schools Opening Wednesday, Says Mary E. Wells, Oct. 3, 1923

To the Patrons of the Johnston County Schools:

We wish to call attention to the fact that all the eight months schools will open Wednesday, October 3rd. These schools are as follows: Benson, Kenly, Glendale, Princeton, Four Oaks, Meadow, Pine Level and Wilson’s Mills. We are making an effort as far as possible to place all children in Johnston County within reach of a high school. It is essential that these high school children begin as early as possible and make a good attendance, otherwise it will be impossible for them to make a grade. Especially do we urge that parents make an effort to enter on the first day of school all children who are to take 8th grade work. In this grade practically all subjects are new and unless the children get a good start with their class, they will not be able to carry the work. All children in this grade should present at the school on the first morning their diplomas of graduation from the 7th grade. We hope to see every child who passed the 7th grade last spring entering some high school this year.

Again let me urge that all children who are going to attend these schools this winter will be present on the first three days in order that they may be classified and their their book list, then even if it is necessary to stop these children for one or two days in the week during the working season, it is possible that they can sufficiently in touch with their classes to go ahead with the work when they can attend regularly.

We hope that a large number of pupils will be able to start at the opening of school and come every day. About 200 children passed the 7th grade examination last spring and are eligible to enter the high school. We hope to see every one of these enrolled in a good eight months school this year.

Mary E. Wells, Assistant Superintendent

From page 4 of the Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1923

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