Friday, November 3, 2023

Louis Mayhew, Broker Accused of Embezzlement, Arrested in Fairfax, Va., Nov. 3, 1923

Winston’s Missing Broker Is Apprehended in Fairfax, Va.

Winston-Salem, N.C., Nov. 2—It was learned here tonight that Louis A. Mayhew, local broker who has been missing from this city since October 21, was arrested in Fairfax, Va., today. Telephone communication with Sheriff Allison of Fairfax county, who hade the arrest, revealed the fact that Mayhew had been in the city since October 22.

Sheriff Allison stated that Mayhew claimed to have failed in business but denied the embezzlement charges which have been entered against him in Winston-Salem. When Arrested Mayhew had $140. His identity was reported to the Fairfax authorities by a traveling salesman who recognized him as the man wanted here.

Mayhew was formally trading here under the name of Mayhew and Wimbish. This brokerage firm had at the time of the disappearance of the senior member a large contract with an Elkin shoe firm to market a stock issue. Mayhew told friends before leaving the city that he was going to Virginia to sell these stocks. His automobile was found abandoned at Bassett, Va., three days after his disappearance and was brought back to this city by a local automobile concern with claim and seizure papers.

Eight warrants of attachment are pending against Mayhew and the brokerage firm here. Two of these involve more than $3,000 each. He is also wanted on charges of passing a worthless check. J.P. Coffey, local policeman, left here on the 8:50 train tonight for Fairfax to take charge of Mayhew. Sheriff Allison stated that Mayhew does not intend to fight extradition.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Saturday, Nov. 3, 1923

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