Wednesday, November 15, 2023

News from Clyde, Fines Creek in Nov. 15, 1923, Issue of The Carolina Mountaineer

Clyde Cullings

Mr. W.V. Robinson, who is a splendid carpenter and one of Clyde’s best citizens, is slowly recovering from a broken limb.

Rev. S.M. Stikeleather of West Asheville preached two good sermons at the Holiness church last week. Rev. L.B. Compton has promised to begin a revival meeting at the same church about the first of December.

Rev. C.C. Williams of the M.E. Church has been returned to Clyde circuit. He is a splendid young preacher and his people should encourage and support him loyally.

Rev. M.B. Clegg’s first sermon here last Sunday week was very helpful and well received. He will evidently do a great work for the people of his charge.

Dr. S.B. Medford officiated at the marriage last week of Miss Minnie Cagle of Waynesville to Mr. Earl Badgett of Winston-Salem, and Miss Elizabeth Parton to Mr. Fred Cagle. Other marriages will occur here between now and Jan. 1, 1924, according to the writer’s method of prognosticating, which never fails. One of the aforesaid weddings will be of considerable importance and widespread interest.

Presiding Elder R.S. Howie will preach at the M.E. Church, South, next Sunday morning. A large audience should hear this forceful and inspiring speaker.

At the conclusion of Rev. Mays M. Barnett’s sermon at the Baptist church last Sunday morning he was unanimously re-elected pastor of the church. His salary fore the first year was paid in full and about $150 has been paid on the second year. Eight of the recent converts were baptized in the First Baptist church at Canton last Sunday afternoon.


From page 4 of The Carolina Mountaineer, Nov. 15, 1923


Fines Creek News

The people of this place are getting along with their work fine. All are about done sowing wheat.

Miss Flora Caldwell and Miss Lillie Kirkpatrick spent the weekend with Miss Pearl Kirkpatrick.

Mr. G.H. Messer from Crabtree made his usual call here Sunday.

--Black Joe

From page 4 of The Carolina Mountaineer, Nov. 15, 1923

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